Some people believe money is worthless.
They say it’s not the money that matters, but what you do with it.
Some put it another way: it’s just a tool, not a goal.
I believe that, and I’m pretty sure most of you do, too. But dang, it’s hard not to focus on money, isn’t it? Where’s it come from? Where’s it going? How are we gonna get more?
So this month, we’re just going to go there. It’s all about fundraising First, we look through publicly available data to see who has been getting funded over the past year, and how much they’re getting.
Then, we go a little deeper with a micro view of how individual companies did it. Finally, I encourage you to look through the funding resources in the directory to start thinking (or acting) about what might be right for you.
The one thing that’s obvious after looking at all this that there’s no single right way to go about fundraising. Business owners are out here making it work however you can. It seems like whoever you are, the best plan of action is to just do you.