‘If you build it, they will come.’
We’ve heard this repeatedly since we started talking about launching this niche media company and our local Innovates zines. If we build our brand around serving the local community of founders, innovators, and entrepreneurs they will come, as well as the needed funding partners.
This has been the advice given to us by other successful media companies across the country who welcomed us as a peer into the media space with kindness and camaraderie.
As we began to build our brand, “service” naturally became a core value of our company’s DNA and ethos because it is the center of why we are here. We are the independent, unfiltered, and dedicated voice for the local founder, innovator, and entrepreneur. And to do that well, we believe that service starts with empathy.
At the foundation of great brand building and successful marketing is empathy for your audience. To speak in a way that resonates with your audience, you first need to see them for who they are, acknowledge them, understand their mindset and their circumstances — what they've done to get there, and where they're looking to go.
This is how we are serving the local entrepreneurial community. We listen, we get curious, we dig deep, and we empathize. We understand the individual stories and journeys, the hopes, the challenges, and the fears. And we are creating content that resonates with them, connects with them, and fills a very big void.
We know our local zines and weekly podcast are helping local entrepreneurs. Because we hear you. You are not alone on your journey. By serving you, we will continue to ignite, inspire, and nourish the local enterprising spirit.